- – Boat owners are personally liable, in all circumstances, for infractions involving their boats, no matter who might be using these boats.
- The Concessionaire cannot be held liable for :
- inconveniences or delays caused by impediments or unforeseen difficulties of navigation on the canal,
- inconvenience or delays due to canal closures,
- thefts and damage done to boats,
- damage or difficulties caused by the fact of navigation, of maintenance, or in a general manner, of the use of the waterway by its manager,
- a cut-off of electrical power due to a failure to comply with Article 2,
- fraudulent use of an electrical outlet by another user outside the normal surveillance of the Agents of the Concessionaire,
- incidents and/or accidents foreseen in Article 17 paragraphs 4 and
In particular, these exceptional events shall not result in the payment of compensation or in a reduction of the invoice.